Burning Shadows Prerelease

Burning Shadows Prerelease

Hello Everyone, 

Today I went to the Burning Shadows Prerelease at Everything Games in Buffalo Grove, Il. It was a lot of fun, and I went 2-1 in the tournament. Below is a picture of the Deck Box for the prerelease. 

What I pulled: 

Today I pulled a Full Art Goliospod GX and a Secret Rare Multi Switch. They were both cool. Below is also a picture of the packs that I had for the tournament. 

What I played: 

I had played the fighting types that came with the deck, plus Mudsdale. Here is a picture of my deck. 

Tournament Report: 

My first round I lost barely because my opponent topped a heads on Super Scoop Up. So I lost because of it.

My second round came down to a top deck and luck. I used Mudsdale to win, and used Kick away and escape rope to win.

My third win came from Crabrawler and my opponent could not do anything to win.


Overall, it was a lot of fun. This set is good for pulling cards. Please follow me on this blog, and comment also.

Thank you.


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