Why Pokemon Should Promote the TCG at Colleges

Why Pokemon Should Promote the TCG at Colleges

Hello Everyone, 

Today I want to talk about something that I think is very important for this game. I am a college student, as said in my About me page, and I don't get many opportunities to play Pokemon. I don't have the option to travel to a lot of places, and so I came up with a marvelous idea. 

What if Pokemon Promoted the TCG at Colleges? 

It sounds like a brilliant idea on paper, but it might not be the best idea though. I will talk about both sides of the argument, and why it can be good or bad. 

The Pros:

I think that this would be a good idea because Pokemon would be able to market their products to a whole new demographic. The Masters division is already huge, and this would make it bigger, and better. On top of that, it would dramatically increase League attendance, as well as offering more tournaments such as League Challenges. 

This is also huge for the Secondary Market, as they can sell more cards to players. If the playerbase increases, so does the chance at selling cards. It would dramatically promote the secondary market for Pokemon if this was to happen. 

This would also open up new avenues, such as a Play! Pokemon! College Program system, where other colleges could compete, whether on the PTCGO (Pokemon Trading Card Game Online) or even in person. This could be similar to Tespa's Overwatch system, or Riot's University System for League of Legends. This would offer a huge new marketing vantage point for the company. 

The Marketing could be huge for this. Instead of having only a few commercials, they could have several on just this alone. Alongside this, they can talk to Colleges, and establish College Leagues to market the game. It would increase the playerbase dramatically, and increase the product awareness for Pokemon. 

I know that the last paragraph would work because from personal experience, people played Magic the Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh at college. There's even a club for Magic that is doing very well, which is fantastic. It also shows that this could work for Pokemon also. 

The Cons: 

There are some problems though. Many people in college are always busy or studying. I have to do that too. But many people are already in so many clubs and organizations that this may be hard to do, or it wouldn't get a dramatic increase of Marketing or League Promotion. 

This also creates an issue with regards to money. The famous quote of the poor college student is very true, as not many people want to spend money, and want the free things involved. People don't want to spend a whole lot of money, and so this might become a problem as they don't want to make a huge investment. I don't blame them, as I wouldn't want to either. 

The Counters to the Cons: 

You can make some counters to the money portion of the Cons. Not so much to the busy schedule portion because that is simply true, and not many people would want to do it, especially when there are so many things associated with College, like schoolwork and the many organizations that are on each college. 

For the money part though, it can be somewhat alleviated by giving out more free League promos to people. They already hand out Pokemon cards, and Basic Energies, so this wouldn't hurt a lot. It doesn't have to be cards like Tapu Lele-GX (though that would be nice), but some cards to get started (kind of like the Meganium line from BreakPoint, that worked). That way, people can get to playing the card game, and do well, while also buying more cards, and having fun. 


I think that having Pokemon TCG at colleges is huge for the game. If they have them, then people will be more inclined to play the game, and can buy more cards. It becomes a huge source of marketing, like I mentioned before, and can grow the community in numerous ways. 

If anybody has any comments, or found something that I didn't have in this article, please comment and please follow the blog also for more articles like this. Thank you. 


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