Cool Set Ideas

Cool Set Ideas

Hello everyone, 

Today I wanted to talk about some ideas for the future sets of the Pokemon Trading Card Game. If Pokemon sees this article, I would be totally for letting them use the ideas here. 

I will talk about sets, and mechanics that could be used for future sets. So, here we go. 

First Idea: 

Breath of the Dragon TCG Set: 

This has inspiration from the newest Zelda title, with the support needed to make Dragons good in the TCG. They don't do much anymore, especially when Fairy Type is so huge. What I would do in this set is give a basic Dragon energy (which should of happened from the start). I would also give a Double Dragon Energy reprint to give them consistency. 

This basic energy would be like the others in the fact that it would never rotate out. The Double Dragon Energy would though. 

Second Idea: 

Fury of the Champion: 

This set could give Fighting Types a huge consistency boost. Kind of like Carbink Break, where some Pokemon could give consistency in a attack, or abiliy. It would give them a boost besides Marshadow GX. 

Third Idea: 

Z-Move Attacks: 

I know GX attacks are basically the same thing, but there could be use for them, if it was used like Genesect EX's Tool. It would be a tool that has a once per game use. It would be very beneficial to use one, as it could change the game. 


I think that these would be some cool ideas that could be in the game. Please follow the blog, and Comment on any ideas that you would want. 

Thank you. 


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