How to Be Confident When It Comes to Deckbuilding

How to Be Confident When It Comes to Deckbuilding
Hi Everyone, 

Today I am going to talk about Deckbuilding and confidence. Many people prepare a deck for a tournament, and then decide to change it up, or they change it right after a tournament is done. 

Don't do this. I have done this before, and unless the deck did well, or you know you need to change, it might not be worth it. Test it MULTIPLE times also, so you understand what to do with your deck. You will do bad if you change right away without practicing. 

There is also confidence in your deck. Some people change after they see what their friends or other people are playing, and will change it. Not many people test it out either, and they fail. 

So, what I would do is PRACTICE with your changes. Do NOT change unless it is necessary. If you practice, you know what to do, and it will work out better for you when you enter a tournament. Good Luck! 

If anybody wants to comment, post one at the bottom of each article, right before the top of the next article. 


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